Tuesday, March 3, 2009

With CNBC's Rick Santelli’s call for a new Tea Party in Chicago (over the “moral hazard” of paying your mortgage on time and thus being forced to pay for the mortgages of “losers” too) having ignited grass root “Tea Parties” across the United States and with several states that have pending state sovereignty resolutions added to a vast American electorate that is awaking to just what President Obama meant by “change”, the warnings of coming revolution in this nation are being heard more frequently on main stream media outlets. Sadly, it is the miscalculation of those that suffer from “Obama Mania” (those that have “a tingling feeling running up my [their] leg” or think, “I felt as if I heard a God” when he speaks) that will start the 2nd. American Revolution; none of the Americans that inhabit “fly over country” will sit still for this nation being turned into the United Socialist States of America. Progressives and liberals alike will soon find out what the Second Amendment was really for, if only they had read the Federalist Papers before it had come to this; the “bubba effect” begins to burn. As one wry observer on CNBC news report quipped, “It time to party like its 1773!”

Within the next month or two, the commercial real estate market will begin to crash, dealing a deathblow to the balance sheets of most American banks; causing the Fed to print money at a staggering rate. Notwithstanding Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton’s having begged the Chinese to continue buying our US Treasury Bonds, the collapsing commercial real estate market will force them to dump T Bills causing a world wide sell off of US Treasury Securities and dollars. The resulting depression will make our first one look like the ‘good old days’, as President Obama’s “fiscally responsible” 3 trillion big government stimulus applies the coupe de grace to any hope of recovery. Riots and looting will begin to spread as the unemployed begin to go hungry when their benefit money becomes worthless.

Goods and services to the cities will begin to slow, as no one will be being paid money that is worth anything. Public servants will increasingly be forced to consider the welfare of their families over retaining positions they are not being paid for, as our social order collapses. Like rats off a sinking ship, mad and hungry mobs will leave the cities heading for the countryside. Wide spread civil unrest, disorder and the resulting anger at all politicians and government will bring the “bubba effect” to full flame.

President Obama will call in the US military and National Guard in an attempt to restore order, but will quickly realize that they will not fire on solidifying bands of “bubbas” who refuse to be disarmed. This will cause President Obama to initiate the final collapse of our government, as it is currently constituted, by requesting United Nation Troops to be sent in to restore order; all out, civil war will be the result. During this period, or shortly before, another terrorist attack will take place and Hillary Clinton will move up to Vice President.

Of course, while all this is going on and the stern of the USS Economic Titanic slips under the water, forcing the bow skyward, American Christians will be holding “Rapture Practice” on whatever part of the ship is still above water, having ignored the warnings to prepare and the numerous lifeboats because they were “rapture ready”. The rest of us, Christians and others ‘who saw trouble and fled’, will wonder how so many could be so smart, so wrong, so willingly blind and so dead. May God have mercy on the United States of America.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yes We Can (or Did)!

-First published November 15, 2008 in the OpEdNews-

Well, it has been quite a while since I have indulged my sometimes-perverse pleasure in previewing the amazing political thought of the progressive and liberal commentary posted within net blogs. While some will quickly say that it has not been long enough, others for certain crying treason, I profess merely the desire to attempt to understand the thought processes and ideas of fellow Americans who disagree with me. Plus to offer my congratulations, it is an 'Obama nation' now with this history making election.

Yes, God has granted the desire of the adherents to the current politically correct legislative opinion of the Constitutional doctrine of "Separation of Church and State", Democratic politicians, media sages, liberal elite (to include the honored founts of wisdom busy at historical revisionism, social reeducation and progressive enlightenment in our colleges and universities) and all those awaiting man's evolutionary enlightenment and progress into the new age of the brotherhood of man; The Democratic Party has decisive control of all three branches of the government of the United States (well, after a couple of new justices are appointed, the Judicial quickly follows). You now have what you have always wanted. We shall soon see the nation you have fought to remake; soon to follow:

For those still playing the Manchurian Candidates' game of Republican and Democrat free elections, understand that this had to happen first for our planned plunge into a "One World" socialist government to succeed. The complete polarization of America had to first had to be accomplished; any last faith in our political leaders, institutions and government as it now is constituted had to be forever lost; the dreams and hope that so many have placed on President Elect Obama for certain included.

This will be quickly accomplished as President Elect Obama begins to implement already promised liberal programs; which are nothing more than thinly veiled and repackaged policies of classical socialism with more politically correct and acceptable names. These policies, which will quickly turn the current recession into a depression as investment capital dries up and small businesses close, will cause loud public out cries as the Banking "Czar", Automobile Industry "Czar" and other soon coming – but not yet mentioned as 'needed' government - "Czars" move to impose even more draconian regulations; with 'State' take over of all large private industries these regulations caused to fail.

Naturally of course, any failure to deliver on the utopian promises made during the campaign will be blamed on the "extremist" and "hate mongers" who oppose him in any way... Also, those "evil" business men who shut down or moved off shore to avoid confiscatory tax rates, forced unionization or socialist mandates will be targeted for special political vindictiveness.
With easy 'scape goat' 'boogie men' of the hated right to blame, soon to be President Obama will move to muzzle all disagreement; whether it be on talk radio, the Internet, the US Senate and Congress, or otherwise. The social fabric of the United States will begin to tear apart to the cries of "selfish", "racist" and "bigot" (or worse) being flung at any who dare to appose the "messiah" or "the One" of the Democratic left in America; while all those who "hold on to their guns and religion" will be marginalized and stripped of their rights by an activist Supreme Court. Merely mentioning what the Bible says in public becoming a "hate crime". Most Christians will of course continue to "paint the deck" of the "sinking ship" of our current American society and government expecting to "fly away", not noticing that their feet are already wet.

The military strength of the United States will be quickly gutted to provide the funding for vast new social programs. Our overseas force numbers will swiftly decrease, as those who remain are turned into nothing more then ill armed police and "meals on wheels" aid providers; the power of the United States military perhaps being turned over to the United Nations for relief considerations on our exploding national debt.

The continuing economic crash will result in a break down of social order as "spreading the wealth" deepens the dive; the US Treasury Department will monetize the debt, freely printing dollars causing the total collapse of its value; resistance to unpopular socialist grabs of the private sector and property will grow; ending in martial law being declared after riots or succession of several States is ratified and acted on; resistance to the North American Union and immigration issues flaming the fire of revolution once more.

Our President will totally surrender our national sovereignty by asking for foreign troops to be sent to America to help restore order. The stage will thus be set for the final fulfillment of all remaining prophetic prophecies in the Bible as Russia will be the new Middle East strongman with its Iranian\Persian and Arab allies. What is the proverbial fly in the soup of the neatly laid plans of the money men behind the curtains? The succession movement and its resulting revolution in America (and perhaps the future Free States President Sarah Palin), and Germany's consolidation of power within the European Union as it rises to meet the return of Russian power and influence. Of course, all of this aggravated by the refusal of Israel to lie down and die quietly, fanning the flames of the religious jihad...

Then those useless, troublesome, judgmental, absolutist Christians, who dared to call sin a sin and will not compromise, while being severely dealt with and collected else where, will create terrible problems for the 'one world' socialist in America. By exercising their Constitutional Rights and practicing the Word of God in truth and power, revival will sweep the defenders of freedom and light will push back the darkness; this Union will stand. 2012 will be a really great year.

A prediction of what really lies ahead for America; a ‘blow by blow’ synapses of soon to unfold events from one of the ‘vanquished’ right.